Punkreas Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-10 of 30 results
There are three artists with this name. Punkreas are a ska/punk band from Milan, Italy and a punk band from Slovakia Punkreas from Italy: Are one of the most popular punk bands in Italy. They were founded in Parabiago, Milan, in 1989 and in 2008 they published their last record. Punkreas are composed of Cippa (voice), Flaco (electric guitar), Paletta (electric bass), Noyse (electric guitar) and Gagno (drums), who substituted Mastino since the record Falso.
Genre: Punk, Punk Rock, Italian, Ska Punk, Ska
Genre: Punk, Punk Rock, Italian, Ska Punk, Ska
La canzone del bosco : Punkreas
Tracks: 4
Views: 2,884
Song Author: Basso Marcio
Album: Paranoia Potere
Album: Paranoia Potere