Meganoidi Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-5 of 5 results
Meganoidi is a ska and progressive rock italian band born in Genova in 1997. They started as a ska band, in fact most of their firsts albums such as "Supereroi VS Municipale" (1998) or "Into the darkness, Into the moda" (2001) have ska and punk-rock influences. With their last ska album "Outside the loop, Stupendo sensation" (2003), their style changes in progressive-psychedelic rock. Their next album, "And then we met impero" (2005), gave to the band new and different fans. It has nothing in common with their previous albums.
Genre: Ska, Ska Punk, Italian, Alternative Rock, Ska Core
Genre: Ska, Ska Punk, Italian, Alternative Rock, Ska Core
Zeta reticoli : Meganoidi
Tracks: 7
Views: 3,318
Song Author: Suppaman
Album: Outside the loop Stupendo sensation
Album: Outside the loop Stupendo sensation
Meganoidi : Meganoidi
Tracks: 8
Views: 1,303
Song Author: Suppaman (john_johnson virgilio it)
Album: Into The Darkness Into The Moda
Album: Into The Darkness Into The Moda