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Toontje Lager Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-2 of 2 results

Toontje Lager was a Dutch popband. They scored some hits in the early 80s such as "Stiekem gedanst" (1983), "Zoveel te doen" (1983) and "Net als in de film" (1982). After the band split up in 1985, singer Erik Mesie pursued a moderately succesful solo career. Toontje Lager on

Genre: Dutch, Nederlandstalig, Pop, Nederpop, Nederlands

Zoveel te doen : Toontje Lager

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    306
Alles: Het Nederpop-virus van de jaren 80 (disc 1)

Stiekem gedanst : Toontje Lager

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    212
De beste Nederpop (disc 2)
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