Title Fight Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-5 of 5 results
Title Fight are an American punk rock band from Kingston, Pennsylvania, \ formed in 2003. The band is comprised of Jamie Rhoden (vocals, guitar), Shane Moran (lead guitar) and brothers Ned (vocals, bass) and Ben Russin (drums). Title Fight plays music in the vein of Jawbreaker, Kid Dynamite and Lifetime; taking influence from such melodic punk rock acts as Saves the Day, emo bands Knapsack and Seaweed, and, more recently, indie rock acts like Dinosaur Jr. and My Bloody Valentine.
Genre: Pop Punk, Melodic Hardcore, Punk, Hardcore, Punk Rock
Genre: Pop Punk, Melodic Hardcore, Punk, Hardcore, Punk Rock
Goldwaite : Title Fight
Tracks: 4
Views: 152
Song Author: Title Fight
Album: The Last Thing You Forget
Album: The Last Thing You Forget