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The Violet Burning Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-2 of 2 results

Official Bio from The Violet Burning - The Story of Our Lives: Liebe über Alles, Black as Death and The Fantastic Machine by Jocelyn Aucoin It's that ache in your heart. That place inside you where all the stuff collects and collides like junk in a drawer. Except it's not junk. It's real and it matters and it's the matter that makes you. It’s that ache that makes you want to fight and surrender, scream and sigh. It's decaying and it's beautiful and it's full of these awkward opposites. So full that sometimes you don't understand. You can't understand. .

Genre: Christian, Indie, Rock, Alternative, Alternative Rock

Maker of the Stars : The Violet Burning

Tracks:    223
Faith and Devotions of a Satellite Heart

Forty Weight : The Violet Burning

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    201
Faith and Devotions of a Satellite Heart
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