The Thirty Years War Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-2 of 2 results
After Thomas Erak's band Tribune broke up near the end of high school, he and Mike Munro formed The Thirty Years War with Tim Ward and Andrew Forsman. Under this name, they self-recorded and -released two EPs in 2002 - Martyrs Among the Casualties and Live at the Paradox. However, as they were going to begin recording again, Mike (who is older than the others in the band) left the band due to work commitments. The remaining band members went on under the name The Fall of Troy, where they are now.
Genre: Post Hardcore, Experimental, Screamo, Math Rock, Progressive Rock
Genre: Post Hardcore, Experimental, Screamo, Math Rock, Progressive Rock
A Tribute To Orville Wilcox : The Thirty Years War
Tracks: 4
Views: 364
Album: Martyrs Amongst The Casualties