Team Sleep Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-10 of 32 results
Team Sleep originated as Chino Moreno's idea to create a softer, moody side project from his mainstay, Deftones. Originally, the song "Teenager" (released in 2000 on the Deftones record "White Pony") was meant to be a Team Sleep song. DJ Crook, a long-time friend and roommate of Frank Delgado, had done the beats on Teenager. Chino Moreno decided to start Team Sleep with DJ Crook, and Chino's childhood friend, Todd Wilkinson. To date, Zach Hill and Rick Verrett have been added to the permanent roster as drummer and bassist.
Genre: Alternative, Electronic, Ambient, Alternative Rock, Rock
Genre: Alternative, Electronic, Ambient, Alternative Rock, Rock
Natalie Portman : Team Sleep
Views: 322
Album: 2005-07-21: Bluebird Theater, Denver, CO, USA