Stormlord Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-2 of 2 results
Stormlord is an epic black metal (self-classified as Extreme Epic Metal) band from Italy, created in 1991. The group uses keyboards and orchestrations to give their songs an epic, melodic atmosphere. This, combined with long and powerful guitar riffs, various vocal styles (harsh, opera and growled), extremely fast and aggressive drumming, gives their songs a feeling of both peace and power. Stormlord is: -Christiano Borchi (vocals since the beginning - 1991 - and bass '91 - '96) -Gianpaolo Caprino (guitar, keyboard, clean vocals - '02-)
Genre: Black Metal, Melodic Black Metal, Symphonic Black Metal, Epic Metal, Epic Black Metal
Genre: Black Metal, Melodic Black Metal, Symphonic Black Metal, Epic Metal, Epic Black Metal
I Am Legend : Stormlord
Tracks: 7
Views: 8,118
Song Author:
qmusic Bucci/Giglioni/Scazzocchio lyrics Brigida Costa inspired by the novel I am Legend by Richard Matheson
Album: At The Gates Of Utopia
qmusic Bucci/Giglioni/Scazzocchio lyrics Brigida Costa inspired by the novel I am Legend by Richard Matheson
Album: At The Gates Of Utopia
I Am Legend : Stormlord
Tracks: 7
Views: 573
Song Author:
qmusic Bucci/Giglioni/Scazzocchio lyrics Brigida Costa inspired by the novel I am Legend by Richard Matheson
Album: At The Gates Of Utopia
qmusic Bucci/Giglioni/Scazzocchio lyrics Brigida Costa inspired by the novel I am Legend by Richard Matheson
Album: At The Gates Of Utopia