Slightly Stoopid Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-10 of 73 results
While it’s a rare commodity for a band to tour as consistently as Slightly Stoopid, the group’s diligent commitment to live music provides some insight into their loyal fan base and unique creative metamorphosis throughout their 17-year existence. Though it's been a couple of years since the release of their last studio album, Top Of The World (August 14, 2012), the Ocean Beach, California-based group—led by co-founders and multi-instrumentalists Kyle McDonald and Miles Doughty—have also found the same passionate dedication to their studio craft...
Genre: Reggae, Ska, Dub, Alternative, Rock
Genre: Reggae, Ska, Dub, Alternative, Rock
Wiseman : Slightly Stoopid
Tracks: 3
Views: 11,394
Song Author: Slightly Stupid
Album: Acoustic Roots
Album: Acoustic Roots