Sanctuary Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-5 of 5 results
A rock band with violins and a cello. Most people have shown mixed reactions to this mixture; some are amazed, some are doubtful, some are just plain interested. Truly, the sight of these classical instruments side-by-side with electric guitars is not really common. However, the truth is, this group of young individuals is just like any other band - they are set in making good music and sharing it to others. This is Silent Sanctuary.
Genre: Opm, Pinoy Rock, Alternative, Alternative Rock, Filipino
Genre: Opm, Pinoy Rock, Alternative, Alternative Rock, Filipino
Die for My Sins : Silent Sanctuary
Tracks: 4
Views: 1,572
Song Author: L Rutledge / W Dane
Album: Refuge - Denied
Album: Refuge - Denied