Revolverheld Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-10 of 20 results
Revolverheld is a German rock band from Bremen, consisting of Johannes Strate (Vocals), Kristoffer Hünecke (Guitar/Vocals), Niels Grötsch (Guitar/Vocals), Jakob Sinn (Drums) and Florian Speer (Bass/ex Skatoons Bass-player). The band was founded in Hamburg as Manga in 2003, later changed it to Tsunamikiller and adopted their current name by the end of 2004. In 2006, they participated in „Bundesvision Song Contest“ (a parody of the „Eurovision Song Contest“) and got Bremen the second place of all 16 Bundesländer (States).
Genre: German, Rock, Deutschrock, Deutsch, Alternative Rock
Genre: German, Rock, Deutschrock, Deutsch, Alternative Rock
Die Welt steht still : Revolverheld
Tracks: 5
Views: 229
Song Author: Revolverheld
Album: Die Welt steht still
Album: Die Welt steht still