Pathologist Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-3 of 3 results
Pathologist is the name of the most diseased grind / death combo coming from Czech Republic. The early days of the current Pathologist line-up go as far back as to 1987 when all of them played in different musical outfits, namely Fucking Death and Sarkom. Eventually, Pathologist was founded by the growler in January 1990 and their first two attempts survived demoed on "Sexual Cadaveric Mysophilia" and "Medical Jurisprudence" displaying their liking for extreme noisecore.
Genre: Goregrind, Grindcore, Death Metal, Czech, Brutal Death Metal
Genre: Goregrind, Grindcore, Death Metal, Czech, Brutal Death Metal
Cadavers In Medical Jurisprudence : Pathologist
Tracks: 5
Views: 773
Album: Grinding Opus Of Forensic Medical Problems
Uterogestation To Abortion : Pathologist
Tracks: 4
Views: 662
Album: Grinding Opus Of Forensic Medical Problems
A Bilious Ballet : Pathologist
Tracks: 5
Views: 177
Album: 8A Bilious Ballet/Vomitory Corporal Dysfunction II Single