Neaera Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-10 of 22 results
In the summer of 2003, Tobias Buck, who at that time played the lead guitar in the Münster death metal formation , decided to start a metal side project that should take a different musical direction and lay more emphasis soundwise on power metal and hardcore influences. To carry out his plans, Toby teamed up with drummer Sebastian Heldt, whom he had already played together with in the 1998 Münster talent competition winning new metal band SPOUT, and with singer Benny Hilleke, who had no band experience whatsoever.
Genre: Metalcore, Melodic Death Metal, Death Metal, German, Deathcore
Genre: Metalcore, Melodic Death Metal, Death Metal, German, Deathcore
Let The Tempest Come : Neaera
Tracks: 4
Views: 216
Song Author: Stefan Keller
Album: Let The Tempest Come
Album: Let The Tempest Come