Mimikry Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-4 of 4 results
There are two artists by this name 1) Mimikry is a Swedish punk band. Two of their members are Hjalmar "Hjalle" Östman and Jonas "Heavy" Stentäpp who became famous in Sweden after an appearance in TV show "På rymmen" (i.e. "On the run"). "Hjalle" is the singer and guitarist of the band, "Heavy" is the drummer, Mia plays the bass, Åsberg and Apan plays guitar. 2005 the band celebrated it's 10 years anniversery and released the CD "Uppsamlingsheat". The CD contained records from the year 1994-2005 that, until then, only had been released on demos etc.
Genre: Punk, Swedish, Trallpunk, Punk Rock, Swedish Punk
Genre: Punk, Swedish, Trallpunk, Punk Rock, Swedish Punk