London After Midnight Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-10 of 12 results
London After Midnight (LAM) is a music project formed in the 1990s by singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Sean Brennan. LAM has retained and nurtured the political and socially aware element of the later punk scene that virtually vanished from all music scenes in the early 90s, and has developed as a passionate and political dark rock-music entity. LAM has a large worldwide following, with many gothic rock fans (LAM shuns labels such as "gothic", however...
Genre: Gothic Rock, Darkwave, Gothic, Industrial, Goth
Genre: Gothic Rock, Darkwave, Gothic, Industrial, Goth
Spider and the Fly Acoustic : London After Midnight
Views: 252
Album: Selected Scenes From the End of the World
Your Best Nightmare : London After Midnight
Views: 221
Album: Künstler zum 10. Wave-Gotik-Treffen Pfingsten 2001