Killerpilze Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-10 of 15 results
The Killerpilze (English/German for "Killer Mushrooms") is a German Pop rock band from Wertingen near Dillingen, Germany. With their self-written rock songs, the band secured a faithful fan base in their homeland first. In the Spring of 2006, their debut single "Richtig Scheiße" ("Really Shitty") reached #17 in Germany. From their first huge success in the national charts, Killerpilze have taken the world by storm, playing gigs in France, Poland, Czech Republic, as well as Austria and Germany. Recently the band has also scheduled a show in Russia, alongside another German band called "Panik".
Genre: German, Punk Rock, Rock, Deutsch, Pop Rock
Genre: German, Punk Rock, Rock, Deutsch, Pop Rock
0Richtig Schei e ( Auf 'ne Sch ne Art und Weise ) : Killerpilze
Tracks: 4
Views: 290
Song Author: Fuel241
Album: Invasion Der Killerpilze
Album: Invasion Der Killerpilze