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There are at least 3 artists called Judgement Day: \ 1) Czech hardcore punk band played in early 90's 2) Judgement Day was formed in 1988 by Theo van Eekelen and Jeroen Dammers. Freek Kamphorst and Maarten Vlot completed the band. Influenced by extreme music they started to write their own songs and played a few successful gigs in Holland. In July 1990, they decided to record their first demo called "HYPOCRITICAL". Soon after recording this demo Wim van Burken joined the band to become their second guitar-player. In June 1991, they recorded their second demo called "CORPSEFLAKES".
Genre: String Metal, Death Metal, Cello Rock, Cello, Metal
Genre: String Metal, Death Metal, Cello Rock, Cello, Metal