Illdisposed Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-9 of 9 results
Since the beginning of the 90’s Illdisposed have been one of the top bands of the Nordic death metal scene and have released 9 albums. Not denying their death metal roots their brand new offering "The Prestige" will meet all expectations. However, Illdisposed have also developed their own form of death metal with groovy rhythms, melodic but still hard hitting riffs, a massive wall of sound with an aggressive vocal in focus.
Genre: Death Metal, Melodic Death Metal, Danish, Metal, Brutal Death Metal
Genre: Death Metal, Melodic Death Metal, Danish, Metal, Brutal Death Metal
Near the Gates : Illdisposed
Tracks: 2
Views: 1,442
Song Author: Tore pimp Mogensen
Album: There is something rotten
Album: There is something rotten
Weeping Souls Of Autumn Desires : Illdisposed
Tracks: 3
Views: 1,163
Song Author: 7Transcribed by Daniil Laletin version 1 0 December 2003
Album: Four Depressive Seasons-1993
Album: Four Depressive Seasons-1993