Hujan Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-10 of 24 results
HUJAN - Formed in early 2006, this wave-worthy band from Malaysia consists of Noh on vocals and 2nd guitar, Dimas on bass, AG Coco on 1st guitar and Ambobzeela on drums. Influenced by a diverse range of bands which include the likes of The Strokes, Butterfingers, and even Pot Amir Radiostaq (ROSIN), Hujan prefers to classify their music as alternative rock and has no qualms about delivering their material in Malay.
Genre: Malaysian, Alternative, Hujan, Indie Rock, Underground
Genre: Malaysian, Alternative, Hujan, Indie Rock, Underground
Pagi Yang Gelap : Hujan
Tracks: 1
Views: 171
Song Author: Ikhsan (dr_esan yahoo co uk)
Album: Hujan Lebat
Album: Hujan Lebat