Dynamite Boy Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-3 of 3 results
Dynamite Boy is a pop punk band from Austin, Texas. They comprise Sean Neil, Dusty Kohn, Adrian Munoz and Sam Rich. They allegedly disbanded in 2005 after a ten-year run but due to recent posts on the band's MySpace this is unsure. However, they have been reuniting for one-off shows between 2006 and 2008. \ Dynamite Boy was formed in 1995 in Austin, Texas by four members Sean Neil, Andrew, Matt, and Scott.
Genre: Pop Punk, Punk, Punk Rock, Pop Punk, Rock
Genre: Pop Punk, Punk, Punk Rock, Pop Punk, Rock
Cant Help Falling In Love : Dynamite Boy
Views: 191
Album: Punk Rock Strike, Volume 2: Punk Rock Strikes Back
Catching On : Dynamite Boy
Views: 185
Album: Punk Rock Strike, Volume 2: Punk Rock Strikes Back