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Die Kassierer Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-5 of 5 results

Die Kassierer (German meaning "The (male) cashiers") is a band with sometimes sexual and sick Lyrics concerning sex, beer and drugs, but the majority of their lyrics are political satire, which shows their distain for modern society and advication of an anarchist society. Wolfgang Wendland the singer, ran for election in Germany in 2005 as the head of the Anarchistische Pogo-Partei Deutschlands. They have translated some songs into English. Their music, instead of heavy metal punk rock, is a kind of Deutschrock with three chords, although all band members are extremely talented musicians.

Genre: Punk, Deutschpunk, Punk Rock, German, Comedy

Meditatives Intro : Die Kassierer

Guitar Pro Tab v4
Tracks: 3   1,574
Musik f r beide Ohren

Besoffen sein : Die Kassierer

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    195
Musik für beide Ohren

Ich muss kacken : Die Kassierer

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    180

Du hast geguckt : Die Kassierer

Tracks:    155
Männer, Bomben, Satelliten

Grosses Glied : Die Kassierer

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    153
Der Heilige Geist greift an
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