Dashboard Prophets Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-1 of 1 results
Dashboard Prophets began as a band called F.U.K. in 1991 one day Chris dye (singer/guitarist) walked into a club called the Coconut Teaser and saw a band by the name of Lodestone, he immediately was impressed by the rhythm section( Leo Boci on drums & Greg Evanski on bass). Chris was looking to start a band and through a friend got a hold of them. Greg and Leo walked into the rehearsal room tattooed from head to toe and obviously committed to there rock & roll. .
Genre: Rock, Post Grunge, 90s, American, Buffy
Genre: Rock, Post Grunge, 90s, American, Buffy
Ballad for Dead Friends : Dashboard Prophets
Views: 206
Album: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Radio Sunnydale