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Bodo Wartke Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-1 of 1 results

The German cabaret and piano artist Bodo Wartke became well known in 1998 with his first feature-length show Ich denke, also sing' ich (unterwegs) (Engl. "I think, therefore I sing") and continued with Achillesverse (Engl. "Achilles verses", wordplay on "Achillesferse" - "Achilles' heel") in 2003. He typically performs his self-written texts and compositions on smaller stages and accompanies his singing on the piano. All of his songs are humorous rhymes, mostly based on everyday situations. .

Genre: Kabarett, Liedermacher, Comedy, German, Deutsch

An dich : Bodo Wartke

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    162
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