Blaze Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-10 of 40 results
There are multiple artists called Blaze: two British heavy metal bands, an American house band, an American MC, a Japanese hardcore band. 1. For the heavy metal band started by the former Iron Maiden singer, see Blaze Bayley. Blaze (sometimes written as B L A Z E for disambiguation) was the former name of Bayley's solo project until 2007. 2. Blaze (New Jersey, USA), a house band from 1984 onwards.
Genre: Heavy Metal, Metal, House, Deep House, British
Genre: Heavy Metal, Metal, House, Deep House, British
Kill Destroy : Blaze
Tracks: 8
Views: 2,123
Song Author: Blaze Bayley Rob Naylor
Album: Tenth Dimension
Album: Tenth Dimension