Barricada Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-8 of 8 results
Barricada is a hard rock band from Pamplona / Iruña (Navarra, Spain) formed in 1982 Originaly formed by Enrique Villareal "El Drogas" (bassist and vocalist), José (Drums), Sergio Osés (second guitar), all three coming from the band Kafarnaún, and Javier Hernandez "Boni" (guitarist and vocalist). They gave their first concert in April 1982 in the Txantrea square, an even that's remembered because they played without any scenery and directly surrounded by people.
Genre: Rock, Spanish Rock, Rock Urbano, Hard Rock, Spanish
Genre: Rock, Spanish Rock, Rock Urbano, Hard Rock, Spanish
En Blanco Y Negro : Barricada
Tracks: 4
Views: 3,036
Song Author: Gargarath Gamonte
Album: Por instinto
Album: Por instinto
Animal Caliente : Barricada
Tracks: 4
Views: 2,375
Song Author: Barricada
Album: Doble directo Rock n Roll
Album: Doble directo Rock n Roll