Atheist Rap Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-1 of 1 results
Atheist Rap is a punk rock band from the city of Novi Sad, Serbia. It was formed in 1989 by Aleksandar Popov (Dr. Pop) and Vladimir Kozbašić (Pećinko), who merged with a hard core band Fluorel Tačkaš members Vladimir Radusinović (Radule), Zoran Zarić (Zare) and Aleksandar Milovanov (Atzke). The band made first recordings in 1990 and planned to release them by the Croatian label Jugoton Zagreb, but the album never appeared due to the war.
Genre: Punk Rock, Punk, Serbian, Hip Hop, Istochni Drugari
Genre: Punk Rock, Punk, Serbian, Hip Hop, Istochni Drugari