Archie Star Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-3 of 3 results
Headphone-to-Headphone, Bedroom-to-Bedroom Archie Star has given mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to its stuck on repeat music scene with Johnny D'Andrea's aggressive style and tongue-in-cheek lyrics accompanied by his 18 year old sister Ria D'Andrea's innocent catch flies with honey vocal portrayal, and John Carmichael's Blues/Rock roots and riffs ripping through each song like a slasher film while adding key members Mike "Juice" Sauciuc on bass, and young Chris Eckstrum on drums to the mix; you have Archie Star with roots grown deep in the City of Chicago
Genre: Indie, Lovely, The Love, Piano Rock, Pop Rock
Genre: Indie, Lovely, The Love, Piano Rock, Pop Rock