Antonio Cano Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-3 of 3 results
"Guitarist, teacher and composer. This pupil of Dionisio Aguado originally practised medicine before devoting himself to the guitar and teaching at the Madrid Conservatoire. He was also official archivist to Queen Isabella the Second. We are indebted to Cano for his guitar method published in 1852 and reprinted in 1868 with an additional treatise on harmony adapted to the guitar. Antonio Cano composed about a hundred pieces and exercises for the guitar. It is probable that he gave lessons to Francisco Tarrega and contributed to the development of the technique of the tremolo.
Genre: Flamenco
Genre: Flamenco
Andantino in G : Antonio Cano
Views: 1,518
Song Author: Antonio Cano//Ricardo Boppré
Album: Antonio Cano
Album: Antonio Cano