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Aarni Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-2 of 2 results

Some of the themes in Aarni's music may include: Balancing your ancestral path with the positive sides of modern technology & cultural redesign; magick, occultism, esoterica and world mythologies, brain-change, Discordianism, collective & personal liberation, transhumanism and theories of analytical psychology (especially those of C.G. Jung); the Cthulhu mythos as described by H.P. Lovecraft and fellow authors; plus divers more obscure topics.

Genre: Doom Metal, Avant Garde, Avant Garde Metal, Experimental, Experimental Doom Metal

V I T R I O L : Aarni

Guitar Pro Tab v4
Tracks: 6   744
Master Warjomaa (Markus Marjomaa)

The Thunder Perfect Mindfuck : Aarni

Guitar Pro Tab v4
Tracks: 6   680
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