My all-time favorite tremolo piece. Taken from the score edited by Rico Stover, this is the most accurate representation of this wonderful tune created on Barrios' DiGiorgio guitar that he had custom built in Brazil with a 20th fret extension on the neck.
In measures 110 and 111, a high C is used that is only possible if your guitar contains a 20th fret. If not , play an A at 17 and while not sounding as good, it can be used as an acceptable substitute.
The 6/4 and 7/4 measures at the ad lib right before the G minor tremolo portion are not taken from the original score. This is a score checker mod. I made to simulate the only recording of this piece I have which is of Barrios himself. In the original score , these two measures are actually notated as one big "ad lib" measure.
GL and enjoy