If you say that
I sing out of tune, love
I want you to know that this
causes me great pain
Only the privaledged have ears
as good as yours
I only possess
what God gave me
If you insist in classifying
my behavior as antimusical
I myself lying
should argue
that this is bossa nova
that this is very natural
What you don't know
nor even suspect
is that those that are out of tune
also have a heart
I photographed you
with my Rolleyflex
It exposed your
enormous ingratitude
Only you will not be able to speak
like this of my love
This is better
than you are able to find
You with your music
forgot the main thing
is that in the chest
of those out of tune
Deep within the chest
beating quietly
That in the chest
of those out of tune
a heart also beats