To make the guitar swells more "effective" (smoother), use plenty of delay and reverb. A little vibrato doesn't hurt, either.
Many effects were achieved in the recording through overdubs and panning. Live, it wouldn't matter much.
For the theory buffs: the Grammy winning beat is:
... a 5 over 8 imperfect polyrhythm!
(Now, where have I seen those before?)
2 semiquavers, plus 6 groups of 5 semiquavers = 32 quavers. 32 = 4 bars of 8 semiquavers. OK? Now in tomorrow's lesson...
For authenticity, use a pick. Add distortion in the appropriate places.
Pretty much all the chords are the minor chord for which the bass plays the root.
This is arranged for standard tuning, to facilitate ease of playing. However, live, I've never noticed Kevin change his tuning, and most songs are played in dropped D.
Refer to guitar notes for the Grammy-worthy rhythm.