-The chord names in the acoutic section refer to the chords played on the rhythm staff
-The Chorus chords are really hard to hear properly (even with a vocal remover) so what I've tabbed is as close as I can get it for now until more live audio and video boots of the song start coming out
-The long guitar solo during the Interlude section is as accurate as I could get it. Omar's just noodling around amlessly for the most this is just a rough guide for your own improvisations
-Regarding the Intro ('Sarcophagi') and Outro ('Con Safo'): These names refer to titles of movements during "Cygnus...Vismund Cygnus". 'Sarcophagi' is the acoustic intro (which also re-appears as the outro to the last song on Frances The Mute, "Cassandra Gemini"), and 'Con Safo' is that ascending bass riff used for the outro of "Cygnus" (which also re-appears on the 4th song on Frances The Mute, "Miranda"). The 'Con safo' section repeats for a bit longer than what I tabbed and fades out. As for the other movements found in "Cygnus", 'Umbilical Syllables' is probably the section that begins around 00:45, and 'Facilis Descensus Averni' is probably the section that starts around 3:19.