This transcription was done on a lonely day during my vacation in Canada, in just about exactly 6 hours, and theres some definate mistakes in some section that i just couldnt make out, so heres what to look out for-
MIDI errors- Martys bends are very hard to transcribe well, and they dont come out too well through the MIDI, so when you hear something off in the MIDI playback, check to see if ita a bend, because it makes alot of the notes sound wrong, but the tab is still right.
Measures 25-32- tThis is 2 guitars arranged for one. im 90% Sure this is harmonized, and in this way, but when in doubt, just ignore the higher notes.
Measure 33- Marty adds stacatto oin each note, and goes slightly off time, i couldnt tab this, but it sounds good anyway
Measures 38-39- on the fast run he makes, the recording seems to quiet down a bit, so only the beginning and the end of that run is about correct...the rest is just a fill
Measure 42 (last measure)- the outro run is also made up, i know he makes a fast run, but the volume is too soft for me to hear it
Synth Chords- May not be exact, but close.
I personally could not hear bass in this song, if there is, please do correct me