The intro theme should be played VERY aggressively, with heavy palm muting throughout.
The occasional large jumps between measures in the arpeggio melody section is done in order to maintain fingering pattern consistency.
The tapping solo in measures 31-32 is played with no picking at all.
Due to some quirk of PTEditor, or maybe just of my computer, the harmonized bends in measure 35 might sound wrong. However, if you actually play them on a guitar they sound okay.
Measures 40-42 should be played fluidly, picking only where written, to get the proper "slippery" sound.
Measure 44: Most Racer X tabs I've seen (ascii, powertab, GP3, and otherwise) get the string skipping licks wrong. I've seen videos of how Paul plays arpeggios like this, and I'm pretty sure it's right. Ideally, pick only where written. It looks really cool and sounds better.
In measure 52, there are two places where it looks like I wrote in mini-sweeps. I did not, there's just no good way in this program to show two downstrokes in a row and not make it look like a sweep.
Measure 53: This sort of repeating pattern is one of Paul Gilbert's signature licks.
String skipping section - see comments for measure 44.