Guitar II to be performed by putting the right hand palm on the 6th string in such a way as not to be able to sound any specific note. Pull the neck string so as to strongly snap it on impact with the neck (an approach similar to pizzacato bartok, but without distinct sounding notes, only noise)
Measures 7, 8 & 77 to be performed by the index finger of the left hand forcefully pulling down strings 6 towards 1 over the 1st fret. The sounding of the strings must be immediately dampened with the right palm.
Guitar III in measures 55 & 56 to be performed with the thumb striking the bass strings in a manner similar to that of tambourin, but the strings are to be hit over the rosette and not close to the saddle. The sound is made by the strings hitting the neck.
Measure 73 is performed by the right handing acting as the left and playing fingers i & m on the neck of the shown fret. The right hand is to hit strings 5 and 6 on the 11th fret and the left hand is to hit those strings on the 9th fret. The way this is performed is left for the individual to interpret.