The Intro is based on a little harmonic trick - not difficult, just open harmonics struck at the 12th, 7th and 5th frets on the top two {treble} strings. But a very quick left-hand movement is required to get from the harmonics to the chord.
The 1st Section {bar 6} is based on a descending walking bass-line. It is easier if you break it down into separate parts; concentrate on the bass-line first, then learn the melody, then very slowly try and coordinate the two. Note how the slight bend on the G naturals adds to the bluesy flavor.
Bar 11 contains a tricky move involving a pull-off {D# - D} with the third finger.
Bar 12 contains probably the trickiest lick in the song. Note the slides and triplet with open strings.
Get a nice Chet Atkins groove going with the thumb.