I met the misfits in Florence in 1st Feb 2003 for they'r
25 anniversary with Dez Cadena and Marky Ramone
(A BIG HELLO TO ALL!!! Staff included). If you went
there you can remember the guy standing on the stage
every time doing photos so... I AM THAT GUY!!!!! Jerry
is very friendly, I met all the band members of the tour
(Dez Cadena at guitar and Marky Ramone on drums)
Jerry gaves me a coke, a gatorade and a t-shirt very
cool!!! I'll never finish to thanks him for all and I hope to
meet him again (real soon I hope (in Norway 1st may).
Thanks again Jerry Only Jr from your best Italian friend
and a big HELLO! to Dez, Marky and all the staff
Daniele Valloscuro