ing Rock
n't 100% correct. I tried my best to get it as . -close as possible, so if you see any obvious 9 8mi
s feel free to inform me on them and I'll corect * )them or feel free to change it yourself. G With th
r-ies that I'd give her in they told the worst of me My wan-ting just to hold your neck in my arms a
el me sqeeze No I'm not gonna give you what you want so if you please The sin that shapes your voice carr-i
ears this new dis-ease Did some bod-y take your tongue? In worr-ies of the words that you could-nt
f they could- ve sa-ve-d them from But I don-t wan-na sleep with out So I bid to you good-ni-ght to-night sleep ti
y love... The an-xious through the cal-ming storm you'll sit as you prey for rain I'll touch it if you
me to but how is up to you-ou N
not gon-na let you get up if you strug-gle will-ing-ly-y I'll fig-ure all your form to show you how it's been
to me Did some bod-y take your