scribed by Travis Lausch and Bass by Ben Andrew
I did transcribe the solo, most of it is my best * )guess. Feel free to email me corrections. 9 8The b
s pretty much all there, the interlude/brigde @ ?bit is just fucked rhythm wise but just liste
for it.. it 7 6wasd too Distorted to hear. LOVE this song so thought i would but the bass to it. Check Us Out!!!! Ë Taken down with hearts
Our hearts alive Lurking dark underground Descend to the bottom Swim below eternally Int
deep blue sea Time and space All alone It can be a lonely place There it goes Opening up I can't stan
can't breathe Rolled fin out Oil stripped Hold is filled Ocean coil Water boils He swims
urface Flame from mouth Smoke he breathes Enter the caverns of the deep Time and space All alone It can be
ely place There it goes Opening up I can't stand I can't breathe Terrified Ghastly cry
led lives Taken down Taken down The iron side Bucket of lead Battle is she
for defea
The iron side Bucket of lead Battle is she Ò ) d ÿ %TIT
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