Oh, wo-ho-ho. You run, run, run a-way. Its your heart that you be-tray. Fee-ding on your hun-gry eyes. I bet you're not so ci-vi-li
l, is-n't love pri-mi-tive. A wi
that you wan-na give. Break out of cap-ti-vi-ty, and fol-low me, a ste-re-o jun-gle child. Love is the ki
heart's still wild. Shoo-tin' at the walls of heart-ache, Bang! Bang! I am the war-ri-or. Well, I am the war-ri-or. And,
o heart, you win. If you sur-vive, The War-ri-or, The War-ri-or. You talk, talk, talk to me. Your eyes touch me ph