y from your fucking heart!" - Bill Hicks
this was originally transcribed in guitar pro 6, 0 /and then exported to 5. gp6'
orting leaves 6 5something to be desired, especially when it comes to 3 2tempo/volume automation and note dyna
so any : 9oddities occuring in this version are likely a result of ; :that. please consider upgrading t
, as it really is a 6 5vast improvement and well worth a measly $50 -- then 6 5view the gp6 tab to see and
it as was intended. thank
-- : 9so, there's likely some mistakes in the guitar leads and 4 3overdubs, as the production is rich an
ered as 9 8fuck. i've foregone the keyboards for this reason (plus 7 6who cares lolol). i'm not
on the vocal harmonies 5 4ei
-- the few that were apparent in the chorus, anyway. 8 7also as i wasn't able to hear any panned differe
n 9 8rhythm guitar, i've just left one albeit it's certainly doubled in the song. 6 5the drums m
be missing a few cymbal crashes here 8 7and there, but as the entire fucking thing hardly ever 8 7ch
i couldn't be arsed to notate every single one. - ,enjoy, and rate or comment (if you hav
constructive feedback) Ò )
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