Univibe to Guitar 2 (Measure 62)
itch in time just a-bout save
from go-in' through the same old moves. And this cat has nine. He still suf-fers. He's go-in' t
h the same old grooves. But that stone just keeps on rol- lin', brin-gin' me some real bad news. Ta-
get the ho- ney, gi-vers sing the blues. Too ma-ny crooks, ye-ah, spoil such a good thing. I know I lau
out loud but that was then. Ain't it fun- ny, a fool and his mo- ney al-ways seem to find those rea
d friends. That stone just keeps on rol- lin', brin-gin' me some real bad news. The ta-kers get the mo-
gi-vers s-sing the blues. Wel
at stone keeps on rol- lin', brin-gin' me some real bad news. The ta-kers get the ho- ney, gi-vers s-sin
blues. A stit-chin' in time helps to un-fold me. The cir-cus starts at eight, so don't be late.
ld you be so kind not to wake
I think I'll just sit this one
But I'm too rol-lin' stoned.
too rol-lin' syoned. Ye-a
ke a rol-lin' stone. Yes, yes, just like a rol-lin' stone. Rol-lin', rol-lin', rol-lin', rol-lin
e. Ye-ah! Too rol-lin' stoned!
Hmmm! Hmm! Oh, just like
l-lin' stone. Well, like
l-lin stone. Hmmm! Hmm
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