Guitar Pro 5 or else all volumes and such will sound terrible!!!
ng will only sound good with Guitar Pro 5!!! 6 5Drums are in Midi (it sounds much better) as well as 6
(just so that the RSE doesn't overload and make 7 6a crackle so
I know guitar is 99% correct. Bass 7 6and Drums are very very close also. I did the best I , +could for parts
aren't very audible.
TANT**3 2When playing the harmonics in the verses, the one > =labele
difficult to hit. place your finger over the 3rd : 9bar on the fretboard, hardly into the 4th fr
hit the = <string while BARELY touching it and it will hit it perfect. It is a very weird har
!!! Hope you guys enjoy!!! Ø d ÿ
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