with a lot of bass. There's plenty in this song.
e signature still gets the same value as 4/4, <
instead of it being 4 quarter notes per bar, it's 2 5 4half notes per bar. You know, because thi
g has ; :that fake-out half time feel! And I couldn't just slow up 4 3the tempo because then the tab wouldn't
easy 7 6to understand, especially the drums. Trust me on this : 9one. And for mor justificat
if you were being led by 7 6a conductor, there is no way that the conductor would , +be able to cond
urrectly at that speed. 4 3Oops, accidentally switched up the voices again... < ;Crap. Oh well, it shouldn't
er anyone, since it really 2
n't make a difference if each voice is equal.
get upset about all the slides! At least don't get 9 8upset at me... It's not like a wrote the song! Discipl
6put a million slides in there, so go complain to them. 4 3If you think I did something wrong
ase send my - ,your correction to my Ulti
Guitar inbox. d Ø d ÿ
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