Long way from home, Lost by an ec-ho I’d ne-ver have known. I’ve got pic-tures to prove I was there, But you don’t care. Here’s me o-ver-seas, 'Cross the pond by the Do-ver peaks. I’ve smu-ggled my-self in-to new na-tion-al-it-ies, Think you
oud of me. There’s room to be-lieve, Out of sight, Out of mind, Out of reach. Start ov-er s
to be-gin. Long way from home, Lost by an ec-ho I’d ne-ver have known. I’ve got pic-tures to prove I was there,
u don’t care. There’s room to be-lieve, Out of sight, Out of mind, Out of reach. Start ov-er, s'No way to
There’s room to be-lieve, Out of sight, Out of mind, Out of reach. Start ov-er, s'No way to be-