st mail me at with questions, comments and corrections!
king out In a force ten g
Birds thrown a- round Bu- llets for hail The roof is pu- lling off By its fin-ger-nail
ur voice is ra- pping On my win-dow sill Ye-ster-day's head- lines Blown by the wind Ye-ster-day
eo- ple End up SCAT-TERBRAIN Th
-ny fool can Ea-sy pick a hole ("I on-ly wish I could fall in") A mo-ving tar- get In a f
g range Some- where I'm not Sca- tterbrain Some- where I'm not Sca- tterbrain Light-ning fuse Po
Words by %WORDS%
Music by %MUSIC%
Words & Music by %WORDSMUSIC%
Copyright %COPYRIGHT%
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