to drop D, go down 1 step (Drop C), then down another step (Drop A#)
the bass is probably wrong 50% of the time,
everything else sounds rig
6The intro and verse (1) came from the "Intro" tab on < ;UG, I just modified it a bit to make it e
to play and sound better. S Used to be original, but now i tremble in fear i
ike everyone else alabary spel
Is this how it feels to reach black bottom want to know how it feels to be forgotten I become the di
e, I am the sober and irrelevant, I don't feel but in this, what is there to believe? I'm not asking for m
just a moment a chance to pick up the pieces happyness please come home what if it ends right here how do i ch
it Hoping to find a saviour I lost my way I become the distance, I am the sober and irre
t, I don't feel but in this, what is there to believe? is this how it feels to reach black bottom
to know how it feels to be forgotten hoping to find a saviour i lost my way I become the distance, I am the
and irrelevant, I don't feel but in this, what is there to believe? d
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