dolin part 1 is the only one that should be played, the other is simply added for sound effect)
ves and the dir-ty grou-nd when you know I'm not a-rou-nd. Shi-ny tops and so-da pops when I hear y
ips make a sound oh, when I hear your lips make a sou-nd. There's thir-ty notes in the mail-box let you know t
'm com-ming ho-me and I think I be-tter stick a-rou-nd for a-while so you're no-t a-lo-ne oh, for a whi
you're not a-lo-ne. Your soft hair and your vel-vet tongue I wa-nna give you what you gi-i-ive to me and e
breath that is in your lungs is a ti-ny lit-tle gift to me oh, it's a ti-ny lit-tle gift to me-e. If you can hear a
-o fall you can hear me com-ming down the- hall the ha ha ha ha hall and if I could just hear your pret-ty voic
on't think I'd have to see it a-ll oh, well I don't think I'd have to see it a-ll I did-'nt feel so
'till the sun went do-wn. Got back home with no one to wrap my ar-ms a-round, to wrap my ar-ms a
ou-nd, to wrap my ar-ms a-rou-nd. And a-ny m
th a mi-cro-phone, he can tell you what he wa-nts the most. And you know that you love it all wh
u're think-ing of the Ho-ly, thin-king of the Ho-ly, Thin-king of the Ho-ly Ghost. Yo da lei o da le
yo da le he e. àÜS ‘9 ! ! d ëðîîôøøú Ø d ÿ %TIT
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