/September /08 - Just mail me at with questions, comments and corrections!
a pic-ture on my kit-chen wall Looks like Je-sus and his friends in-volved There's a par-ty get-ting star- ted
e yard And there's a cou-ple get-ting stea-my in the car parked in the drive Was I too young to see th
th my eyes? And by the pool that night, a-ppa-rent-ly The che-mi-cals weren't mixed pro-per-ly You
our head and then for-got your name Then you woke up at the bo-ttom by the drain And now your al-ti-t
nd me-mo-ry's a shame What a-bout ta-king this emp-ty cup and fil-ling it up With a li-ttle bit more of in-
nce I ha-ven't had e-nough It's prob-'ly be-cause when you're young It's o-kay to be ea-si-ly ig-nored I
ke to be-lieve it was all a-bout love
child When the house was left in sham-bles Who was there to han-dle all the bro-ken bits of gla
as it mom who put my dad out on his ass or the o-ther way a-round Well I'm far too old to care a-bout that now
ng this emp-ty cup and fil-ling it up With a li-ttle bit more of in-no-cence I ha-ven't had e-nough It's prob-'
-cause when you're young It's o-kay to be ea-si-ly ig-nored I'd like to be-lieve it was all a-bout love
a child It's kind of nice to
the floor since the di-vorce
been en-joy-ing both my Christ-mas-es and my birth-day cakes And ta-kin
gs and ma-king love at far too young an age And they ne-ver check to see my grades What a fool I'd b
start com-plai- ning now What a-bout ta-king this emp-ty cup and fil-ling it up With a li-ttle
ore of in-no-cence I ha-ven't had e-nough It's prob-'ly be-cause when you're young It's o-ka
be ea-si-ly ig-nored I'd like to be-lieve it was all a-bout love for a child It was all a-bout love
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